By: Siti Nurrochmah Dani
Each country has a system for organizing and managing education. That system is called a system of education. The education system will be crucial in the process of national education. The education system in Indonesia is determined by the government of Indonesia. Under Law No. 20 of 2003, the national education is education that is based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 is rooted in religious values, national culture of Indonesia and responsive to the demands of changing times. Overall system of national education is an educational component in an integrated interrelated to achieve national education goals.
To increase and further improve the education system in Indonesia, we need to know characteristic and the tendency international level of the practice of education, especially for math education. On this occasion, we will see the characteristic and the tendency of Australia's level of practice of math education. We will compare it.
The education system in Indonesia consists of primary school education (SD), junior high school (SMP), and senior high school (SMA). How the level of education in other countries? This time we will discuss about education in Australia and its comparison with education in Indonesia.
Basically the education system in Australia can be classified into 5 (five) levels: Elementary (Primary School) Secondary School (Secondary or High School), Vocational Education and Training (Vocational Education and Training), Higher Education (University). Before entering higher education in Australia, students must take elementary education and secondary education first, as in Indonesia. But after finishing high school, many options can be taken for a student to continue their education to a higher level.
The general purpose Australia's education sectors are outlined in the legislation that established state education departments, universities and other educational institutions. The general purpose is usually equipped with more goals by the relevant agencies. The purposes of this study suggest the need for the development of services to individual needs and the needs of society through the education system. At the school level, the pressure is on the development potential of students as possible. At higher education level, greater emphasis is directed at the achievement of educational needs for the economic interests of the community in general. To achieve this general objective, the various sectors of higher education should have a focus on a different program. For example, universities prefer the development of science, while the technical education sector and other further education focus more on vocational education. Basically, the Australian federal government does not intervene directly on the purpose of education except through the general purpose stated in the law, but the federal government provides almost all the funding education, and providing educational direction
While the goal of Education (Kemdiknas) in Indonesia: "UU No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Section 3, the national education goals is to develop the potential of learners in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy , knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible.
Primary education and preschool education
Preschool education is more varied the administration, funding and education curriculum than many others because it is managed by private entities, and government involvement is also different to these institutions. Almost all five year olds as children enter educational park that is fully implemented. For children under five years of the preschool program is not implemented intensively and largely organized on a voluntary basis by private entities. Education before primary school in Indonesia and Western Australia are both known as pre-school education (Newbie). Preschool education (kindergarten) in Indonesia is largely a stand-alone agency with a separate building from the elementary school building. Newbie in Australia were mostly united in one complex with the Primary School, despite its location slightly apart slightly from the elementary school. Kindergarten graduation is not a requirement to enter elementary school. Although kindergarten not be a requirement to enter elementary school, but most elementary school students in Australia are mostly graduates of kindergarten. In addition, before entering kindergarten, there are children under five years can be incorporated into the institutions of Early Childhood Education (early childhood). The time required to complete basic education is 6-7 years. On the basis of general education students was entering at age 6 or 7 years.
Different in Indonesia where students are required to take test-test and general test to be up to the next grade, students in schools in Australia do not know the basic test. They automatically go up to the next class in line with the turn of the year. Australia's first-year basic school is called Year 1 to Year 6. There is a State of Australia which sets the length of primary education is 6 years (New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (Vic), Tasmania (Tas), and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). But there is also a long set of basic education is 7 years (South Australia (SA), Northern Territory (NT), Queensland (Qld), and Western Australia (WA)).
There, primary school is divided become three level. First is lower primary. It is like grades 1-2 of elementary school in Indonesia. Second is middle primary. It is like grades 3-4 of elementary school in Indonesia. Third is upper primary. It’s like grades 5-6 elementary school in Indonesia.
We have been talking about primary school education is technically in Australia. Now, how the practice of the learning process there? In primary school, students learn per topics like division, muliplication, etc. So each topic will be clear and understood by students. Primary students are given the challenge of reading every day, so students will have a lot of insight and has a habit of reading. In this case, the library facility is to be noticed. Many titles of books are support learning and story books to broaden students' views. Every classroom has a schedule to enter the library and use a variety of existing learning facilities in libraries.
Different with Indonesia, learning in elementary school is usually not performed per topics, but per subject. Use of the library is also less; it is because the number of book’s titles collection is only a few in elementary schools. It affects a lack of reading culture in Indonesia. Library is not as an enjoyable place to visit because of less care and less noticed by the school.
In Australia the learning mathematics process runs more relaxed and enjoyable. Study performed in the classroom, library, and outside the classroom. Performed outside of the classroom learning with play, but teachers still assist and monitor students. While in Indonesia, has always performed a formal learning in the classroom. Mathematics learning is rarely done in the outdoors, especially with the game in math learning at school.
In one study, elementary school teacher in Australia certainly has a different way of managing the classroom. They always do the learning with a mature plan. Any teaching and learning activities were observed and recorded as a benchmark evaluation after learning is complete. For the portfolio assignment, students have the flexibility to create by self. Portfolio assignment is made using a computer that has been available in the school. There is something interesting and different to learning in primary schools in Australia, where learning there is also helped by parents who want to see the development of their children. They are often called as volunteers.
Secondary Education
Secondary education, otherwise known as the Secondary Education in Australia may take between 5 to 6 years. The first year in secondary education are called Year 7 to Year 11 onwards. Secondary education ends at Year 11. For the states is in implementing basic education for 7 years, then took his secondary education for 5 years only (ie in the state of SA, NT, Qld, and WA). After year 11, students can choose which way the level of education that he wanted to go. If a student is interested in the fields of applied science, than he can continue to pursue higher education that is specially prepared for it. The institution is known as the Vocational Education and Training (VET) or Technical and Further Colleges for Education (TAFE). Graduates of the TAFE in general will be a technician. If students are interested in the fields of science that is more theoretical, then he will enter college (university). To be able to enter the university, a student must take Australia Year 12 which is also known as Matriculation Year.
Higher education
Higher education in Australia can be divided into two tiers, namely the undergraduate level (known as the undergraduate level) and graduate level (known as the postgraduate level to obtain a Masters or PhD). Undergraduate courses can be completed within three years and earned Bachelor, namely Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (Bsc) depending on the field of science pursued by the student.
Fadhullah, Ahmad dkk. 2008. Sistem Pendidikan Australia. access on Friday 9 march 2012 at 07.21 p.m.
sisdikanas no 20 th 2003
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